Serves 12
This loaf is dense, chocolaty and moist, with undertones of pumpkin and autumnal spices laced throughout. It’s also lower in fat than most dessert loaves, with only 2 tablespoons of oil in the batter. To add to the chocolatiness, I threw in some chocolate chips, and you may like to add other yummy things, like pecans or walnuts. But I’ll take my chocolate straight up, please!
There’s a funny little method with boiling water in this recipe and you may wonder why I use it. The answer is simple: I don’t exactly know. Well, I know why I use it, but I’m not positive why it works. What you do is add boiling water alternately as you add the dry ingredients to wet. I was introduced to this method in Nigella’s monumental book “How To Be A Domestic Goddess” with her recipe for a chocolate loaf cake, and I’ve used it ever since. I’ve tried to disobey it, thinking it was frivolous and unneeded, only to be greeted by a loaf whose crumb was not as fine and rise was not as perfectly formed. And so I’ve stopped fighting it. Maybe it has to do with the baking soda, I don’t know, just use it.
I love this loaf still a little bit warm, but anyway you slice it (har har) it will be delicious and no one will guess that it’s lower in fat.
PS I have a feeling that people will ask if they can make this in muffin tins, so let me get that out of the way. You can! I haven’t tried it, but I think you’re gonna’ want to fill the cups 3/4 of the way (you might not get 12, but let me know) and bake for about 20 minutes.
PPS I also have a feeling people will ask if they can completely omit the oil. I prefer a little fat in my baked goods, but I bet that subbing it with applesauce would be just dandy.
1/4 cup applesauce
2 tablespoons coconut oil (or canola oil)
1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1/3 cup + 2 tablespoons boiling water, divided (see note)
1 cup pumpkin puree
1 cup sugar
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1 1/2 cups all purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1/4 teaspoon ground ginger
1/8 teaspoon ground cloves
3/4 teaspoon baking soda
3/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup chocolate chips
Preheat oven to 350 F and lightly grease an 8 inch loaf pan. Also, boil some water in a tea kettle (no need to measure yet.)
Put applesauce, coconut oil and cocoa powder in a mixing bowl. In a separate bowl, sift together flour, spices, baking soda and salt.
Measure out 1/3 cup boiling water and pour into the bowl with the chocolate mixture, mixing quickly to make a smooth chocolate sauce. Add pumpkin, sugar and vanilla and mix well.
Dump about half of the flour mixture into the chocolate mixture and gently stir just to incorporate, then measure out 1 tablespoon of boiling water and stir again. Now add the rest of the flour mixture and another tablespoon of boiling water and stir just until smooth. Take care not to overmix. Fold in the chocolate chips.
Spoon the batter into the prepared loaf pan. It will be good and thick. You can smooth the top out with a spatula.
Bake for 55 minutes to an hour. Stick a steak knife into the center of the loaf to check for doneness. A little bit of wetness is okay since it could be from a chocolate chip, but the knife should come out mostly dry.
Let cool for 10 minutes, then invert pan and place loaf on a cooling rack to cool most of the way. It’s yummy a little bit warm, or thoroughly cooled. Slice and serve!
I made this as mini-muffins and they were so perfectly delicious I think it’s going to be my go-to chocolate muffin/cake from now on. I used whole wheat pastry flour, reduced the sugar a bit (to about 2/3 c.) and baked in mini-muffin tins for 15-17 minutes. This recipe made 3 dozen mini-muffins. Thanks, Isa Chandra!
i have a lot of hachiya persimmons to use up, so i made this a chocolate persimmon loaf by substituting pureed persimmon pulp for both the pumpkin and the applesauce. and actually, i took a risk and left out the sugar entirely, because these are some seriously sweet persimmons. it worked out really nicely: mildly sweet, but definitely dessert-y with the chocolate chips. i was afraid i might disrupt the baking chemistry by leaving out the sugar, but no! it’s perfect, thank you!
Anyone who is on a gluten-free diet or just trying to cut down on white flour, try this recipe with chickpea flour! I used 1 1/4 cups chickpea flour, no adjustment to the raising agent and it came out amazing! I also used just 1/2 cup of sugar, subbed half a banana for the applesauce and used butternut squash instead of pumpkin. I’ll be trying out all my baking recipes with chickpea flour now, highly recommended!
Made these allergy free with oat flour- delicious!!!
Isa.. You are truly a genius~ Thank you for making vegan-ism more awesome
I made these GF using Bob Red Mill’s all purpose flour, 1.5 tsp xanthan gum and a couple tbsp of arrowroot. I also used a broken up dark chocolate bar instead of chips to make it more grown-up, and upped the cocoa and the oil by three and two tablespoons respectively. It disappeared so quickly, I barely got a bite in!
Made this last night – my husband thought I was joking when I told him the ingredients! So delicious that I’m going to bake another one to take into the office, thanks so much for another fantastic recipe : )
Jesus this is a good recipe, I just made it Is perfect. I ate three pieces just to make sure.
I just made this. Used Bob Red MIll’s gluten free all purpose flour (same amount as the recipe) and coconut palm sugar (used 3/4 cup). Wow, it is delicious! Next time, I’ll double the spices, as I like things spicy.
Can someone suggest baking time / degree for turning this into miniloaves?
I just stuck these in the oven as mini-loaves. Going to try 350 for 20 minutes. I modified the recipe, tho – did banana instead of pumpkin, whole wheat flour, and added a tablespoons of ground flax seed. Also couldn’t find nutmeg or cloves.
And just realized I totally forgot the baking soda. F.
This looks absolutely delicious! But are these very sweet? I’m apprehensive about the whole cup of sugar. I’m on a restrictive vegan diet and added sugar is a no-no if I can help it. Thanks!
Amazing! This has the texture that I was craving in a loaf cake and with lots less fat. I reduced to 1 Tbs. coconut oil, skipped the chocolate chips, and it was super delish! I underbaked it just a smidge and got a lovely moosh in the middle that was perfectly divine hot from the oven. Thanks for a winner of a recipe!
I’m so looking forward to finally making this when I have a complete Saturday off to make this and the marbled banana bread again. If I make it with gluten free flour would you advise making it with the same flour quantity or adding more?
Sadly tinned pumpink in this country (the UK) is hard to find and expensive, so I’ll be happily chopping squash/pumpkin to steam and blend down.
I always add a tablespoon or two extra to gluten-free, but it depends on the mix I suppose.
@Isa Thank you! It turned out beautifully and was a lovely pudding for queer family night! I’ll be making another one for the coeliac vegans at the dyke conference I’ll be catering in June!
A friend gave me your Veganomicon book, which led me to this website. I’ve always been scared of cooking and baking, but I thought that some of your recipes sounded easy enough even for me…so I gave ’em a try. In the past 12 days, I’ve baked 4 of your vegan desserts–2 from the book and 2 from this website–and all were delicious! This chocolate pumpkin loaf is my favorite so far. Thanks!
I added extra boiling water on accident, and it adds more moisture to the final product, with a fudgier result. Excellent! I also just bought your new cook book, because I love your recipes.
AMAZING!!!!! great recipe, thanks!!
Just made this took it to a family gathering – rave reviews!!!!
I’ve made this a few times – everyone LOVES it, and so do I! Thanks!
What can I use instead of the sugar? I have agava syrup and stevia (in drops)… Do you think that works? what qunatities?
I LOOOOOOOOVVEE this recipe!!! I’ve made it many times and will continue to make it, because it’s that GOOD! Thank you…
Hi can you please tell me what size loaf pan to use?
This looks DIVINE and tastes DIVINE!
Thank you so much for introducing me into the VEGAN baking world with such a wonderful recipe! I have ordered your Cookie book and the Cupcake book! So looking forward to baking from them!
Just made this and it was amazing : ) it even impressed my vegan doubting friends. Thanks so much
In the oven now ^^ Can’t wait
This is one of my favorite, if not my very favorite, recipes of all time!! I haven’t tried making it in a loaf pan though because I just think muffins are easier and more convenient. (I usually leave it in the oven for about 20 minutes and can get around 12 to 13 muffins, or more if I add nuts). I’ve made this at least 5 times and every time, it has turned out perfectly!! All my friends ask me to make it even when pumpkin is not in season. They’re just so moist and delicious–I think it’s the boiling water that really does the trick! Thank you so much for posting!!
My son would love this. Do you know the nutritional facts on this? He is a diabetic and we need to count carbs. Thanks!!
SO GOOD! SO GOOD! So good and quick to make and GOOD.
Finally! This loaf has been on my list since last October. It’s delicious, even Gluten Free. I just wanted to leave this thought out there for anyone else who’ll be converting the recipe. Instead of applesauce I warmed 1/4C of water and stirred in 2 Tbsp ground chia seeds. Then I used Authentic Foods Classic Blend. NO XANTHAN GUM! You just have to make sure the loaf cools completely and it will slice without crumbling. Even my doubting Thomas husband is enjoying it.
Chocolate pumpkin vegan loaf
Pure deliciousness!
so amazingly great- complex and rich and fascinating. Truly a loaf and not a cake- total perfection with tea. I think I am becoming addicted to vegan baking. Many thanks!
I made this yesterday and it was a huge hit! I substituted Sucanat for sugar and used all-purpose gluten-free flour and it was delicious.
This was so easy and quick to make, and is it ever fantastic. My omni co-workers have inhaled it both times I brought it in for them. Even the pumpkin-hater (how is that possible?!) loved it. Thank you for another fantastic recipe.